Find a supplier HOTBIN Stockist
Our list of retailers is a mix of garden centres, independent stores and online sellers. We would recommend contacting stores to check stocks first to avoid any disappointment.
HOTBIN Stockists
UK Online Retailers |
Europe & International |
Earth Friendly Foodware | HOTBIN - USA |
Even Greener | |
Frankton's | |
Garden Composters |
Harrod Horticulture Limited | |
Marshalls Garden PLC | |
Permaculture | |
Suttons Seeds | |
The Compost Guy | |
Thompson and Morgan | |
Verdant Limited |
Clonmel Garden Centre +353 (0) 5261 23294 |
Mr Middleton Garden Shop 58 Mary Street +353 (0) 1860 3674 |
Quickcrop Unit 4 Ballymote Business Park +353 (0) 1524 0884 |
Does your business have a sustainable ethos like HOTBIN, are you considering a request to become a retailer or distributor of the HOTBIN Composting range?
Please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you!
It would be great if you could include some information about your business, store or website and your plans for selling HOTBIN!